Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Living Room Story

Yes! It's finally complete. For the first 1 and 3/4 part of our marriage we decided that decorating wouldn't be the best use of our money. One night while we were lounging on our makeshift "couches" (2 twin bed pushed together in an L-shape), I spoke my thoughts to Ry and said "I think we should get a couch." After realizing how cluttered the room kept looking, even with my cleaning efforts, Ry agreed. Twin beds don't make the best couches- but nap time was great!

To explain my newfound style, I really love true Shabby Chic, but at this time I can't spend all of my time antiquing- taking lots of time and patience- but I have decided to make it more of a lifelong journey of finding practical, useful, and of course beautiful things (a la Rachel Ashwell- I adore that woman). As for now my living room has become more cottage-like but I hope to incorporate more shabby chic as the years go by.

More pics and explanations to come!

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