Monday, October 25, 2010

harvest decor

the simple mantle

twine pears with a green pumpkin & cute gourd

more twine pears with a white pumpkin and a little yellow gourd
his stem used to be so green but its slowly fading to a straw color

long pumpkins and twigs from M's garden
the twigs won't stay there long 
ive got other plans for those twigs

this big guy is my favorite
pretty stem and pretty colors

ry wont let me buy more pumpkins
he doesnt want a pumpkin patch in his living room
i think a pumpkin patch would be adorable 

maybe next year


  1. so fun and cute! what will you do with all those pumpkins afterward?

  2. hey girl hey! i am going to use the pumpkins as thanksgiving decor and then i am going to paint them with glue and sprinkle tinsel glitter on them to make my Christmas arrangement more glam :)
