Wednesday, December 15, 2010

the jello that saved me

so my friend H has this perfect recipe that she calls 

Five Minute Jell-o
its so good
and so easy
and ryan loves loves loves it
i have made it a couple of times now
its a crowd pleaser for sure 

"First, gather your ingredients:
 1 small package Jell-o
 2/3 c. boiling water
 8-9 ice cubes
and Cool-whip*
Put Jell-o and water into a blender. 
Blend on high for 1-2 minutes. Add ice cubes one at a time.

If desired, add some Cool Whip or yogurt.
Mix then pour into a bowl.
 Add fruit, if desired.
 Cool in refrigerator for 5 minutes.

*For a bigger portion, use 1 large package Jell-o, 1 1/3 cup boiling water, and 16-18 ice cubes."

i made it in the lime flavor this past weekend
the color was just beautiful
and tasted oh-so-good

Click here to see her recipe with photos on her awesome blog. 

thank you H! 


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you like the jell-o. It is for sure a family favorite of ours. SO easy and so yummy. Thanks for spreading the love!
