Friday, December 24, 2010

noche buena

last night we ate really good Chinese food
a typical Chinese-ambiance 
and seafood aplenty
every trip to cali
i beg my mom and dad to take us there

today we are going to have a sumptuous lunch at my aunt honey's house
yes that's her real name

so excited for the roast pig
and more Asian food

this morning i stared at all the presents 
and i am still stumped as to what ry got me
i have an inkling
but my inklings are usually wrong

the tree looks so grand and elegant
and the lights twinkle twinkle
with the beat of the background Christmas music

oh how i love Christmasing 

1 comment:

  1. Asian food always tastes extra better over the holidays, doncha think? :) Hope you had the merriest of Christmas girl.
