Wednesday, December 1, 2010

what to buy: sewing machines

i really enjoy sewing
i dont enjoy the cutting, the measuring, and the mechanical mishaps
but i still love it 

the one person who helped me learn to love sewing was my teacher
jan sink

love her!
without her i wouldn't have been able to sew happily
she is patient, kind, and so very wise
the best kind of sewing teacher

thank you jan
(and thank you mom for funding my learning)

my favorite things to sew:
01. home decor (throw pillows, drapes, etc) 
02. baby blankets and toys
03. quilts
04. paper crafts
05. table linens 

here are some well-priced machine recommendations if you are a beginner (or seasoned) seamstress:

martha raves about this machine 
fun and easy to use
 i have seen it in person and i am pretty sure i would enjoy using it
see here

i wish i bought this machine as my first
a great basic beginner machine
and just so cute
and very well priced
see here

my first machine was from costco
like this sweet machine is
i am a brother machine fan
(i have 1 with me and 1 more in Cali with my mom) 
 110 stitches
can you think of the possibilities?

there were a couple of reviews stating that this 
machine had a hard time with thick fabrics
but was a dream otherwise

think about what you are planning on sewing 
and make your decision from there 
see here

hope this post helps all those who want to start sewing out there 

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