Tuesday, January 4, 2011

resolute resolutions

cue the drums
in no particular order here are my resolutions for 2011

01. workout at least 4 days a week perhaps with jillian 
02. learn how to perfect these macaroons and control myself when eating them
03. start decorating for Valentines Day and Chinese New Year now
04. continue to be diligent in planning and preparing daily meals
05. wear all my jewelry- no piece unworn this year
06. be the best wife and friend to my best friend
07. go through the closet and make scarves with my old sweaters and shirts
08. and add new budget pieces and figure out how to wear it all
09. re-organize my personal and artist makeup collections
10. be kinder and less judgmental towards others
11. get a reality check every now and then
12. organize ry's mission photos into a sturdy acid-free album
13. preserve vacation memories in shadow boxes
14. take a chill pill- stop being so concerned with the little things
15. prepare for the future
16. cook and eat more Cantonese dishes
17. read more
18. make my boss proud of the work i do
19. think of my Savior daily
20. run some type of marathon
21. be there for my family

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