Saturday, January 29, 2011

valentines day: romantic movies

its saturday night and i still need to fold the laundry
but id much rather watch one of these movies

my favorite movie
they are just so good together
my kind of humor

its just a cute movie
the costumes were so pretty
loved it

 dear harrison is older
but this movie still has charm

so deliciously cheesy
vanessa redgrave makes it all worth it
she is darling

i cried and cried
and cried some more
but i loved it

sandra bullock is a fave
and so is this happily predictable movie

don't really need to explain
its just perfect

oh its matthew and weddings together


  1. Darling Chloe, I'd like to tell you I have been following your blog for a while and really enjoy all your insights and opinions, as well as creativity! (Thought I'd feel like less off a stalker if I told you!)


  2. ashley- i am so happy you enjoy reading my blog :) i put a lot of my heart into it- thank you for reading <3

  3. Awesome picks! I need to see a couple of those though. I'm having a dateless Valentines this year so I am definitely going to be stocking up on chick flicks, chocolate, and kleenexes... lots and lots of kleenexes.

  4. ailinh- i will be thinking of you on valentines :( im sorry you are dateless this year. by the way please email me you new address in utah- i would love to send you some snail mail when i get round to it

  5. You know, I've never been one for a chick flick. But you named some that I really, truly love.
