Thursday, March 24, 2011

cherry blossom trees and random thoughts

lately, i have found myself dreaming of cherry blossom trees and origami swans. my heart is with those in japan right now. a country that i hope to visit in the future. there are a few cherry blossom trees in our yard. i cant wait for them to bloom. i see them budding already. their branches have gotten a little bit out of control-kind of like my hair- bushy, scragly, just a hot mess sometimes- well my hair can be a hot mess, but i have a feeling these cherry blossom trees wont be that way. they just appear to be a bit of a mess until they bloom and then, its like heaven. 

right now i am battling off an annoying cough. its no fun especially when you move into a new place that needs your love and attention. the fumes from the hardwood coating have finally started to wane. thank goodness. i am looking forward to a light jog around the neighborhood next week after getting better. tonight i made my first real dinner in the house-chicken curry over rice-mmmm. so good. i have learned that chakoh is the best cocount milk after testing out an inferior one tonight. the difference good ingredients make! it can be astounding. 

ry is such a patient man. i remember our first year of marriage and thinking "what the heck did we get ourselves into?" i was the emotional one, he was the strong one. good balance, but it could have been easier if i just controlled my emotions more. a lot of my negative emotions came from reoccurring thoughts such as:
01. will we always be poor?
02. my girlfriends are such strong women, why cant i be like that?
03. what? i cant have that nice purse?
and the list can go on from there...

but through the months, i have learned to be more patient and to be in control of myself. it has been difficult, but its the difficult things that are really worth it. we are looking forward to starting our family- becoming a mom will be the greatest thing i will ever accomplish. ill try my best not to mess it all up when the time comes.

went to costco the other day with the premise of picking up my new eyeglasses, but came out with 3 toilets, butter, and bulbs for planting. nutters i know. cant wait to tell you about it once i have some plans drawn out. 


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