Friday, April 15, 2011

charming house: bedding and gardening

a few weeks ago i purchased the shabby chic linen duvet set from target in the blue color. i absolutely love it. here are some pics i found via google:

this picture from here shows that its actually more aqua than blue

here is another picture that makes it seem more powdery blue

to finish off the look i purchased a white ruffled bedskirt and paisley bedsheets in a similar blue/aqua color palette- i thought the paisley would keep the bed from looking too simple even though i understand that simplicity is the heart of shabby chic- i just saw the bedsheets and loved em!

super excited to show you the finished result 
not completely finished because i have not refinished our headboard yet
that will have to wait a month or two
i have a zillion other house projects lined up
ry just installed a second new toilet (yea!) in the basement bathroom
and this weekend we have lots of gardening plans since the weather is supposed to be good
want to know the most exciting thing we are growing?

image via google

giant pumpkins!
not just one but 6 of them 
yes we are crazy
one of the seedlings is looking a little sad
i am not sure if he is going to make it 
but that will be okay- i think that 5 is pretty much overkill already

in addition to the pumpkins we are hoping to have 
acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, summer squash
basically A LOT of squash 
which means a pumpkin patch for a backyard
so here's hoping it happens
happy weekending !!!


  1. Dear chloe:
    This is Leana, Linda's mother. I read your blog from time to time and really love it. last time I read about your Sakura tree I hope they are in full bloom and you enjoy it. In Japan in our area which is in north of Tokyo they are in full bloom. I love this season.
    Anyway why I'm writing is because of your pumpkins. Let me tell you my story 2 or 3 years ago I decided to grow pumpkins for halloween, since in Japan they are very expensive. They told me you will need a big land because they spread all over then I went to a near farmer and lent a piece of land huge land only for 3.000 Yens or 30 dollars, like 4 minutes away by bicycle from my home.
    So I planted 8 seeds. They told me leave space because they will spread, put the right amount of fertilizer, and water them everyday except for rainy days. They were doing ok even with flowers but suddenly after 3 months of hard labor they started to dry out.
    I asked the farmers but they didn't know since they don't grow that kind of pumpkins in japan, but continue trying with the rest of survivor pumpkins, meanwhile I was getting a lot of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants from the others farmers, so I have to eat them everyday and nothing else.
    My pumpkins did't make it. It was so sad to see them all dry out and me doing my best, any way that summer let me with good memories of my farmer friends and get to admired them for their job. So that is my story.
    Love Leana

  2. Good luck with all those projects! The bed design sounds awesome!
