Thursday, April 7, 2011

our love accordion

last year for valentines day i made a love accordion to organize and file our relationship mementos 
my journal was getting a bit too full
i bought the accordion at the thrift store- it used to be a recipe holder
then made a trip to the craft store to buy the paper
a little mod podge magic 
and voila!

the categories are: lists, photos, love letter, quotes, etc. 

the first valentine he gave me
the fish had chocolate lips

our first ski trip together
a hilarious adventure
since i can't ski 

love quotes i love

our first beautiful Christmas card photo
taken by m of lemonpeel studios

its a super easy craft to make and is a great way to keep those sweet mementos organized!


  1. this is an AMAZING idea! My journal is also becoming way too full. I'm totally doing this :)

  2. Chloe.... Get a love fern already! hahahah ;)
