Monday, August 8, 2011

anniversary week

a donut cake
pretty and something different

super excited about this week! this saturday is our 3 year anniversary. the time just flew by! so this week my posts will most likely be mush-gush about ry, but hey that is what wedding anniversaries are all about :)

we have some fun plans for everyday this week and are actually skipping celebrating on our actual anniversary day because the grill is calling and we want to celebrate summer with some friends before they move (sad)

happy summer friends!


  1. Happy Anniversary Chlo! I love you couple. You guys are really good together. My mom and I were talking the other day that it was so nice of Ryan to be involved w/ making crepes for the bridal shower. You guys both do so much for each other, and I feel like that's what marriage is all about :D Have a fun anniversary week!
