Wednesday, September 21, 2011


can't believe a year has gone by already
it has been such an eventful one!
i feel so blessed and happy with everyting
no way to really express it in words
its a happy happy birthday!

reminiscing on past birthdays
 i remember the movie Pocahontas coming out just as summer was starting
my dad took me and my brother and sister to go see it at night
a non-matinee showing- we felt so grown-up

i remember one of the birthday cakes my mom had made for me
it was my 7th birthday
it was a pretty simple cake but it had a screen print of Pocahontas on it
she is my favorite Disney princess 
mom also bought some plastic feathers with ribbons that clipped into my hair
for the full effect :)

my favorite song from the movie is Just Around the River Bend
just hearing it again makes me want to find those plastic feathers with ribbons
and sing once more to celebrate my birthday 


  1. Pocahontas is pretty amazing. I remember seeing it with my cousins when I visited them in L.A. one summer. I also wanted to dress up like her for Halloween. Though, I don't think I did. So glad that it's been an eventful year. Good or bad, cherish each day, as another year will go by the whirlwind!

  2. Love Pocahontas. Feel better friend :)Oh, and happy birthday..yesterday, next week, whenever you celebrate.
