Monday, October 17, 2011

dream house decor

one of my favorite blogs to get design inspiration is 6th Street Design School
last week kirsten featured pictures from the blog dear lillie
this is pretty much my dream decor
love it!!!

since i like so many different colors i get a little "stuck" when it comes to picking and sticking to a palette
then i end up choosing more neutral tones where i can add or subtract color whenever i want
what do you think?

all from the beautiful blog dear lillie 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chlo, I think it's smart that you have neutral base so that you can add or subtract different color whenever you want. These are great inspiration. I hope I can decorate my own house like this one day. It will always be an ongoing process to up keep a house. But for now, I need to be a better organizer of this space I have! Organizing post will be much appreciated if you have any tips.
