Friday, November 11, 2011


first off, happy veteran's day. i loved singing the song "tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree" when i was a little girl. yup karaoke was a pastime of mine since the age of 5.

so grateful for all the men and women who have served/are currently serving our nation.

since today is eleven-eleven-eleven i decided to make a list of eleven things i am grateful for in no particular order:

01. God & my testimony
02. ryan
03. babykins
04. family & friends
05. good health
06. our home
07. the miracle of forgiveness
08. people who are happy
09. the holiday season
10. trying/learning new things (an old dog can learn new tricks)
11. the opportunity to improve everyday

have a great weekend. one more week till we find out if baby is a boy or a girl! what is your guess?

What are we expecting?

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