Monday, January 23, 2012

shabby chic roses in my mom's garden

aren't roses beautiful? 
i especially love them when they are a blush pink or white
they make me think of weddings and the needed improvement(s) to my garden
too bad rose bushes take a long time to become super full
not sure if i will end up planting them....

mom told me a few weeks ago that the gardeners will be coming soon to prune them back 
always makes me sad since they are still quite beautiful during the winter
a california winter that is
hope you enjoy these photos from my mom's garden

wishing i could be spending the Chinese New Year with them
lots of good food, red clothes and a party!
what's not to love?

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! That was one of my favorite things about Irvine - everyone had the most beautiful landscaping!
