Thursday, January 19, 2012

want some tea with that sugar?

grapefruit sugar bowl via 

whew! this morning i drank a lot of sugar water for the gestational diabetes test for preggie women. so. much. sugar. im still dizzy from it. hopefully in a few more hours i will be back to normal.

looking forward to this weekend. {Chinese New Year} Yippee! wishing I could be with my family so we can all chow down on Chinese food and make some resolutions, or reevaluate the ones we made January 1st. My resolutions?

01. drink more water
02. do things that my future self will thank me for (get those chores done!)
03. finish one big sewing project for the year

what about you?
im off to eat some protein- have a happy thursday!

1 comment:

  1. lol! i totally remember that. it was awful, like a melted orange popsicle...ewwww.
