Thursday, August 1, 2013

the first day of august

uncle nico & baby colette are great friends

i LOVE the month of august. one month before my birthday. wedding anniversary month. the warm, warm weather. the feeling of being on vacation even when you are just at home. school supply sales (i get so excited to buy glue and tape- so weird). ice cream and popsicles. nordstrom anniversary sale. did i mention sunny weather?

is it just me or has summer flown by? we are scrambling to enjoy all that summer has to offer and i decided a bucket list needed to be made!

bucket list for the rest of summer:
01. finish the design plans for the main living room
02. create a home design binder for mom 
03. make homemade ice cream
04. eat baskin-robbins ice cream (Jamoca Heath is my fave)
05. declutter my old room
06. preserve my grandmothers wedding dress
07. scan and protect all of my mom's old photos
08. frame and hang photos
09. take lots of walks in the warm weather
10. go swimming
11. find better gluten-free recipes (nico's going gluten-free)
12. change nail polish once a week
13. wear lots of bright colors when going out
14. start making Christmas plans/calendars 
15. copy and save important family recipes

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