Friday, December 10, 2010

holiday pretzels on a gloomy friday

what: Google Chat Conversation
when: This Afternoon
where: Work 

me kill me now

 Ryan no

 me fine thanks anyways

 Ryan you're too cute

*Let's just say today is becoming one of those days pretty quickly 

but here's the good news
i hope to make the Christmas version of these sometime this weekend

yum yum yum
and here is the recipe 

Chocolate Pretzel Rings via
recipe image
Submitted By: Kim Scurio
Prep Time: 25 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 24

"'If you like chocolate-covered pretzels, you'll love these simple snacks,' promises Kim Scurio of Carol Stream, Illinois. 'They're fun to make any time of year because you can color-coordinate the M&M's to each holiday.'"
48 pretzel rings or mini twists
1 (8 ounce) package milk chocolate
1/4 cup M&M's
1.Place the pretzels on greased baking sheets; place a chocolate kiss in the center of each ring. Bake at 275 degrees F for 2-3 minutes or until chocolate is softened. Remove from the oven. Place an M&M on each, pressing down slightly so chocolate fills the ring. Refrigerate for 5-10 minutes or until chocolate is firm. Store at room temperature.


  1. Hopefully your day brightens a bit before the peak of the weekend. :) And can I say YUM?! That recipe look scrumptious. Totally digging it.
