Friday, December 10, 2010

wishlist: movies and books

i want this movie pretty bad
when i watched it together with my mom and sis
we watched it three times
in a row
love it

seen mr. lewis on the martha stewart show
he is a great baker
and this book looks like it might help me get to
great baker status 

great love story
wonderful cast
totally clean
made me cry 
what's not to love?

my friend N introduced me to this woman
and her way popular blog
where have i been for the past like 5 years?
pioneer woman is amazing
i want to be her
minus the homeschooling
i would make a terrible teacher

one of my top three favorite movies
and i don't even own it
very beautiful animation
love hayao miyazaki
in my past life
i would have been an illustrator
and he would have been my grandpa and mentor

super inspiring
amazingly talented
you need to check out his work

another whoa moment
i have checked out this book from the library
and i do not want to give it back

lots of sewing inspiration
and a cd that has all the patterns on it
if you are a seamstress or tailor
i highly recommend 


  1. yayayayay for howl's moving castle! and kiera knightly :D

  2. hi chloe! you've probably already checked this blog out, but i heard of it from my sister and it has the greatest craft and party ideas! thought you'd enjoy!

  3. @chantal- yep i know you understand :)
    @lorie ann- isn't that blog great? i love their ideas!

  4. um I just watched the trailer for young victoria because I'd never heard of it and I am DYING to see it! ooooh, it sure looks like a good one! ...maybe I can coerce Kyle into watching it with me ;)

  5. I love Howl's Moving Castle! The book is uhmayyyzing.

  6. @Melese- you should totally watch it- with or without kyle! its worth it!!!

    @ailinh- glad to hear you agree!
