Friday, October 14, 2011

fall is here

butternut squash harvested from the garden 
made a fantastic soup!

the cutest goodie bag from craft night at my friend K's house

candy corn!
i dont want to open it because the shape of the purse is so cute

mini pumpkins with long stems

pumpkin sign is up

sweet cinnamon pumpkin handwash and lotion
i love it when the lotion matches

acorn centerpiece for living room
so petite and fun
i was tempted to go harvest some acorns in the woods but the morning sickness got the better of me and i decided fake was a great way to go for now
the glitter on the top of the acorns makes me happy too :)

happy autumn! 
have a great weekend


  1. Oh Chlo I love your house! I want to live in it. You really have good taste.
