Monday, October 10, 2011

happiness all around

a very faint pink line
tested on the night of our 3 year anniversary

ry and i  are so happy to announce that we are expecting!
due date is the beginning of April according to the Doctor
the year of the dragon!
just like mommy :)

having two dragons in the house a good or bad thing?
haha time will tell

we are thrilled/excited/scared
girl or boy?
i have been craving meat all the time
so my guess is a boy
which would be wonderful since there are no boys to prolong the family name yet
and there is a lot of female energy in my family (more men in ry's family)
it would be a good balance

again, we are thrilled and can't wait to meet baby ball
looking forward to finding out the gender 


  1. AHHH! Chloe, I am SO excited for you--you're going to be an amazing mom! I can't wait to hear your baby's gender so I can make him/her something cute!

  2. CONGRATS Chloe!! That is so so so exciting! I'm so happy for you! :D

  3. Yay Chlo! I'm jealous that your babies gets to have you as their mom. Not fair! haha

  4. congratulations chloe!!!!!!!!!
    oh my goodness, i am so excited for you two!!!!!!! you will be such a great mommy!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!

  5. Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. You are going to be a wonderful mother. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
