Monday, September 24, 2012


my favorite colors together
via pinterest

i turned 24 last friday and it was super fun. my mom and i ran some errands, went to the mall to scope out perfume samples and decide a new favorite, and purchased some blackout cake at cheesecake factory. my favorite chocolate yumminess- light and fluffy- no thanks- ill stick with the dense and heavy when it comes to cake. 

colette and i took a walk together and soaked up the california heat. seriously so nice. missing my hubby but loving my vacation here so much. colette keeps growing and laughing. its the cutest thing. we are enjoying the last bits of summer together. started burning slatkin & co's candle in leaves. best fall candle ever

sewing, sewing, sewing has been my recent schedule/goal. finished drapes in my bedroom and colette's halloween costume (she's going to be a mini pochahontas my fav disney princess). still on the checklist: kitchen drapes and huge bedroom pillows and throw pillows for my home.

tonight we are celebrating again by heading out to one of my favorite italian restaurants (maggianos. its a chain...i know but its good people!) 

also need to drop by target to grab a highchair for colette. and start scheming up Christmas gifts for my neighbors and friends. super excited. for this jumping into candy making and im kind of scared. time to get a candy thermometer! 


  1. Yummy candy! I'm more of a baked good person, but you will have to tell me what candy you plan on doing and maybe I'll give it a try! Enjoy your Cali sun, it got a little cooler here today!

  2. Happy Birthday! I'm so sad I missed it, but I'm glad you are having fun in Cali! I cannot WAIT to see Colette's Pocahontas costume!
